Courses at the Norwegian School of Economics
Econometrics (master level course)
Empirical methods in Macroeconomics and Finance (more advanced master level course)
Econometric Analysis and Applications (more advanced master level course)
Macroeconomics (introductionary bachelor course)
The Economics of the Firm (bachelor level course)
Labour Economics (master level course)
Econometrics (PhD course)
Labour Economics (PhD course)
Other courses
Effect Evaluation, Part of Executive Master Program in Governmental Auditing, NHH
Labor Economics (undergraduate), Universität zu Köln
Introduction to Economics and Accounting, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Managing and supervising teams sent to the Econometric Game, Amsterdam
Supervision of Doctoral Students (all of them applied econometric analyses)
Grant McDermott (Fall 2011-Dec 2015): “Energy. Water. Climate. Essays in Empirical Environmental Economics” (current position; assistent professor University of Oregon)
Magne K. Asphjell (Fall 2009-May 2015): “Irreversibility, Uncertainty and Inaction of Firms and Individuals” (current position; Oslo Economics)
Katrine Holm Reiso (Fall 2010-Dec. 2014): “Young Unemployed, Single Mothers and Their Children” (current position; The Norwegian Competition Authority)
Alief Aulia Rezza (Spring 2008-June 2014): “Essays on Trade and Environmental Regulations” (current position; The World Bank)
Jiuzhou Wang (adjunct supervisor; Spring 2006-Fall 2007): “Empirical Audit Market Analyses”
Master thesis supervision
More than 150 (a complete list available on request). The following students have been awarded for their thesis;
Håvard Skuterud and Ingeborg Munthe-Kaas Webster, awarded Price for the best master thesis at the Department of Economics, NHH, 2021. Title: “Synchronization of Price Changes within Firms and Industries: A micro-level analysis using PPI data”.
Oda Haagensen and Ragnhild V. Sørlie, awarded the Price for the best master thesis in Competition Economics at the Norwegian Competition Authority, 2020. Title; “Consequences of Competition and Proximity on the Stability in Banking”.
Ragnhild Grønn Johannessen and Frida Lobenz Skarstein, awarded Price for the best master thesis at the Department of Economics, NHH, 2018. Title; “Proximity in Bank-Borrower Relationships”.
Joakim Bratlie, awarded Price for the best master thesis at the Department of Economics, NHH, 2014. Title; “Price adjustment in Norway - An analysis of micro PPI data”.