About me
Welcome to my homepage. I am professor at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) where I teach econometrics, macroeconomics, and labour economics.
My research includes analyses of firm behaviour (investment, labour demand, and pricing behaviour), and labour economics (plant closure, scarring effects/unemployment, inequality and intergenerational mobility, wage formation, transition school-to-work, early retirement, and sickness absence). More recently, I have worked on topics in industrial organisation.
My publications are found in journals such as Review of Economics and Statistic, European Economic Review, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, and Oxford Economic Papers.
In 2021 I was heading the Local Organization Committee of the 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), hosted jointly by the Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Bergen.